Yerlan Temir, Developer in Almaty, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan
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Yerlan Temir

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Almaty, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan
Toptal Member Since
May 4, 2022

Yerlan是一位才华横溢的全栈工程师,拥有前端和后端项目经验. 他有四年的软件工程经验,使用React和Node.js with TypeScript to build web applications. Besides being proficient in different technologies, programming languages, and frameworks, 叶兰有领导团队和进行代码和设计审查的经验. He always strives to provide high-quality solutions, driving business value while complying with code best practices.


Liven Pty Ltd
样式组件,TypeScript, React, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Hasura, Relay...
JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Antd, Webpack, Redux...
JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Gulp, TypeScript, Redux, Webpack...




Preferred Environment

JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, CSS, HTML, Tailwind CSS, Styled-components, Django, Next.js

The most amazing...

...我实现的项目包含了一个使用React和Node的内容共享平台的核心功能.js that helped to raise a $100,000 investment.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
Liven Pty Ltd
  • Engineered the analytics page from front to back, 使用户能够跟踪重要指标,如页面印象和CTA点击. This improved data transparency for over 1,000 users.
  • Sustained three essential apps over 12 months by addressing bugs, refactoring legacy code, and introducing new features:'s Vue client app,'s React website builder, and a back-end application.
  • 通过为涉及70多个数据库表的复杂系统设计快速而精确的系统设计解决方案,展示了主动性, reducing system complexity and improving maintenance efficiency.
  • Enhanced the performance of app.nomnie.通过仔细检查和优化函数调用和服务器请求,将页面加载时间减少了大约20%.
Technologies: 样式组件,TypeScript, React, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Hasura, Relay, Python 3, Django, Vue, Front-end, REST APIs, Jira, Zoom, Mocha, Jest, Git, JavaScript Testing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Lambda

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2022
  • Built a campaign management system for using React and TypeScript. Used the Ant Design system to save time and money for the business. 建议并创建带有重图的仪表板,用于分析活动执行情况.
  • 为后台工程师提供数据库和API设计方面的支持. Reviewed designs and provided feedback to improve UX solutions.
  • Decoupled tasks for sprint and estimated project deadlines. 进行代码审查,并为初级开发人员提供指导.
  • Wrote end-to-end and unit tests with, Mocha, and Jest. Set up CI/CD pipelines on GitLab.
  • 通过Scrum和Agile方法实现高性能的速度, weekly using the Atlassian stack with Jira and Confluence.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Antd, Webpack, Redux, React Router, Tailwind CSS, HTML5, Material UI, Authentication, User Authentication, JSX, React Redux, User Interface (UI), CI/CD Pipelines, Cypress, Figma, Styled-components, Front-end, REST APIs, Ant Design, Jira, Zoom, Mocha, Jest, Git, JavaScript Testing

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2021
  • 通过修复bug和优化现有功能,改进了每天约有1200万用户使用的浏览器.
  • 通过逐一重新运行测试,建议并实现了解决方案来处理不稳定的测试, which decreased build failure at CI by 50%.
  • 实现了Gulp任务,以加快构建和开发过程.
  • Progressed to a middle-level position after the internship.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Gulp, TypeScript, Redux, Webpack, React Router, HTML5, JSX, React Redux, User Interface (UI), CI/CD Pipelines, Figma, Styled-components, Front-end, REST APIs, Jira, Mocha, Jest, Git, Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Express.js

Front-end Developer

2020 - 2021
  • 用React和TypeScript为哈萨克斯坦最大的移动网络运营商之一开发了一个网站. 实现了与eshop相关的功能,如购买,预订,更改号码等.
  • Made the website accessible for different devices, 比如屏幕阅读器和带有无头UI和React Aria的键盘. 用i18n处理了哈萨克语、俄语、英语三种语言的网站本地化.
  • 审核设计并提供反馈以改进UI和UX解决方案.
  • 与Atlassian堆栈一起使用Jira和Confluence跟踪工作进度.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Next.js, HTML, CSS, GraphQL, REST, Webpack, React Router, HTML5, Authentication, User Authentication, JSX, User Interface (UI), Styled-components, Front-end, REST APIs, Ant Design, Jira, Zoom, Mocha, Jest, Git, Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
  • 与设计师合作,在React上实现像素完美的可重用UI组件.
  • 使用Node的高质量API系统设计开发了GraphQL API.js and the Apollo server.
  • Maintained code quality via scrupulous code reviews on GitLab.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Next.js, GraphQL, React Apollo, Apollo Server, HTML, CSS, HTML5, Authentication, User Authentication, JSX, User Interface (UI), Node.js,全栈,前端,REST api, Jira, Zoom, Git, JavaScript测试,Express.js

Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
Kaspi Bank JSC
  • Built the prototype and tested speaker verification (SV), text-independent speaker verification (TI-SV), and text-dependent speaker verification (TD-SV) systems.
  • 为人脸识别系统开发api,用于测试和鉴定图像.
  • 实施内部工具以加快开发和研究过程.
Technologies: JavaScript, Python, Kaldi, Speech to Text, Flask, HTML5, Front-end, REST APIs, Jira, Zoom, Git

Tele2 | Altel
一个基于react的web应用程序,为哈萨克斯坦最大的电信公司之一,拥有大约700万客户. 我是前端开发人员,负责实现和集成与购物等eshop相关的功能, reserving, changing the number, and more.



1. Landing and test functionality for users
2. Admin panel for managing orders

Yandex Browser
这是独联体地区最流行的浏览器之一,每天有大约1200万用户使用. 我是核心前端团队的一名前端开发人员(先是实习生,后来获得了全职工作). I developed internal tools to speed up the development process, fixed bugs, and optimized browser blurring.


Galaxis is a content-sharing YouTube-like platform.

On this project, I was a full-stack developer working with Node.js and React. My work included implementing core features like video uploads, commenting, liking, and more, which helped the startup raise a $100,000 investment. I also reviewed the code of other developers.

SDUDent Telegram Bot

Telegram Bot会通知学生他们的新成绩,并具有根据照片查找学生课程和全名的功能. It was accessed by 500 daily users at its peak. 使用了以下技术栈:Python、Telegram Bot API和MongoDB.

Campaign Management System

For the site,,我构建了一个基于react的web应用程序来管理他们的活动.

My role in this project was as a lead front-end developer, and I implemented all the core features and divided them by roles. 我还创建了仪表板来可视化活动执行和失败的数据. In addition, I covered the code with E2E tests and integrated them into CI/CD pipelines; I also reviewed code and mentored junior developers. 我也积极与后端团队沟通,讨论数据库和API的设计. On a final note, 通过将TypeScript与功能切片方法结合使用,我实现了高度的代码清洁度.

Kaz Azot

Kaz Azot是一个追踪哈萨克斯坦公司生态排放和材料消耗报告的系统.

我在这个项目中担任全栈开发人员,使用React作为前端和Node.js for the back end. 我用三个不同的角色和权限创建了一个功能齐全的前端. I also designed the database relations and REST API endpoints.
一个基于javascript的全栈web应用程序,让你通过使用Vim热键来竞争代码重构速度. 这是我的非营利项目,用于学习和测试有趣的/被炒作的东西,比如GPT API, animations, etc.
2017 - 2021

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Suleyman Demirel University - Almaty, Kazakhstan


React, Node.js, Antd, React Redux, REST APIs, React Router, Vue, Socket.IO


JSX, JavaScript Testing, Git, Mocha, Figma, Jira, Zoom, Kaldi, React Apollo, Gulp, Webpack, Sequelize, CodeMirror, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Whisper


Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Redux, Material UI, Cypress, Ant Design, Jest, Express.js, Flask, Relay, Django


JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, HTML5, Python, GraphQL, Python 3


REST, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Hasura


Authentication, User Authentication, User Interface (UI), Styled-components, Algorithms, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, Middleware, Mobile First, Speech to Text, Apollo Server, Full-stack, WebSockets

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