Vlad Pazenuks, Developer in Birmingham, United Kingdom
Vlad is available for hire
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Vlad Pazenuks

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Magento Developer

Birmingham, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
May 14, 2021

Vlad是一名经过认证的Magento开发人员,在多家数字机构拥有六年的自由电子商务经验. He has migrated code from Magento 1 to 2, customized and built themes from scratch, and implemented back-end functionality. Vlad has also optimized online stores to perform well in Google PageSpeed Insights, Core Web Vitals, and other performance audits.


Pazenuks Limited
Shopify, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento 2, HostCMS, Magento
Magento 2, Magento 1, PHP, SQL, CSS, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Lighthouse...
Magento 2, JavaScript, Knockout (Knockout.js), RequireJS, SQL, PHP, HTML5, CSS...




Preferred Environment

Magento 2, Shopify, Magento 1, WordPress, MacOS, PhpStorm, Windows, Sequel Pro, Lighthouse, Magento

The most amazing...

...我所做的事情是优化Magento 2商店,使其在谷歌pagespeinsights审计中获得90到99分(满分100分).

Work Experience

eCommerce Specialist

2020 - PRESENT
Pazenuks Limited
  • 为Shopify客户端实现多个主题自定义,以使移动和桌面站点版本符合设计要求.
  • Created dynamic sections for Shopify pages, using a metafields plugin to display image collages on blog posts.
  • Built a multilingual Shopify site for a startup client, 包括开发和安装一个独特的翻译包(拉脱维亚语).
  • Implemented an interactive map with city district-based pricing for delivery, featuring fill colors for each price range. This was an OpenCart store.
Technologies: Shopify, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento 2, HostCMS, Magento

Senior Front-end Magento Developer

2020 - PRESENT
  • 在一个客户端的大型迁移项目中,将几个Magento 1模块迁移到Magento 2. 其中一个模块旨在根据过滤值为过滤后的类别提供元标题和描述.
  • Provided support for existing eCommerce clients, including front-end theme fixes, ad hoc changes, issues debugging, back-end customizations, database manipulations, solution research, and estimation.
  • 优化了几个Magento 2网站,以提高他们的谷歌pagesspeed得分,并通过了核心Web vital审计.
  • 开发了一个内部模块,提高了任何基于Magento 2的网站的页面速度.
Technologies: Magento 2, Magento 1, PHP, SQL, CSS, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Lighthouse, Google Search Console, Knockout (Knockout.js), RequireJS, Less, Composer, Git, Warden, Linux, Sonassi, Debugging, Refactoring, Optimization, Magento

Senior Magento Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 将带有店面和管理功能的模块从Magento 1迁移到Magento 2.
  • 与同事合作,创建并完成一个Magento 2主题从头开始为跨国Magento 2零售商.
  • Extended a third-party theme and customized it per the design for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
  • 开发了一系列小部件供管理员在Magento 2站点的CMS页面编辑器中使用.
Technologies: Magento 2, JavaScript, Knockout (Knockout.js), RequireJS, SQL, PHP, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, Magento

Magento Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 实现主题风格修正,附加功能,并提高整个网站的响应能力.
  • Developed page layout templates for admins to use when creating CMS pages. This was well before Magento released page builder functionality.
  • 执行调试和代码重构自定义Magento 2忠诚卡扩展.
  • 实现了一系列单元测试,这些单元测试利用Selenium和BrowserStack进行浏览器模拟,以执行自动化的用户旅程.
Technologies: Magento 2, BrowserStack, Selenium, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Unit Testing, MAMP, Magento

Full-stack Web Developer

2019 - 2019
Affinity Agency
  • 实现了客户端Magento 1和Magento 2商店的多个主题更改和修复.
  • 解决了一个客户的数据完整性问题,该客户在其Magento 1商店中拥有大量属性的产品, which included cleaning and fixing data for hundreds of products.
  • 为一个包含分支机构信息的宗教门户网站WordPress站点实现自定义帖子类型和灵活的内容小部件, blog posts, news, articles, and authors profiles.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML5, Magento 1, Magento 2, WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento

Web Developer

2017 - 2019
Angling Direct
  • Developed a module for posting job ads on a corporate site.
  • Optimized back-end code to reduce time to first byte (TTFB).
  • 为包含订单的8GB数据库的Magento 1到Magento 2迁移配置了XML文件的设置和映射, customers, and products.
  • 为A/B测试提供小的主题调整和更改,以改善关键接口配置文件(kip)和存储转化率.
Technologies: PHP, Magento 1, Magento 2, jQuery, XML, HTML5, CSS, SQL, Magento

Web Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 为一家物流公司的网站开发自定义MVC架构,该公司每天收到100多个订单.
  • Implemented admin and customer areas for managing and tracking parcels.
  • 集成FedEx, TNT和UPS api,自动生成包裹标签和发票.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, SQL, MVC Design, APIs, API Integration

Junior PHP Developer

2016 - 2016
  • Developed a time-tracking tool as an initial test project.
  • 通过实现内部表的大规模操作功能,改进了用户区UI.
  • Fixed a bug that arose only within specific conditions.
Technologies: PHP

Magento 2 Front-end Optimization to Pass a Core Web Vitals Audit

优化了一个大型Magento 2商店,使其能够通过核心Web vital审核并获得良好的Google PageSpeed分数. I implemented the following to achieve the goal:
• Compressed fonts.
• Minified and preloaded assets.
• Preconnected origins.
• Created critical CSS to eliminate render-blocking assets.
• Eliminated theme layout shifts during page load.
• Connected image compression service and configured CDN.
• Configured varnish to minimize TTFB and set the leverage browser cache.

Before implementing all of this on a real-world store, I had to do a lot of R&D,因为描述如何在Magento中应用这些技术的资源非常有限.

WordPress and Magento 2 International Site for Bulldog Skincare

将Magento 1网站迁移到新的Magento 2版本,该版本集成在WordPress中,有20多个不同国家的商店视图. As one of three developers, I focused mainly on the front end, implementing the design for the category page, product page, some CMS widgets, and flexible content elements for WordPress. I also migrated a few modules from the legacy Magento 1 build.

技术:Magento 1和2,WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Less, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript

Site Redesign for Penelope Chilvers

Redesigned an eCommerce website:
• Installed a third-party theme.
• Created a child theme with hundreds of design amends for mobile, tablet, and desktop across all site pages, including CMS, category, product, basket, and checkout pages.
• Implemented responsive image collages.
• Resolved a third-party theme to address cross-browser compatibility issues.

Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, MySQL, LESS, CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Shopify Build for Nikki Bradford

Customized a third-party theme and plugins to achieve the design requirements. 我实现了一个自定义品牌页面,它自动生成品牌并按a - z顺序对它们进行排序, grabbing data from the vendor field.

Technologies: Shopify, Liquid, Sass, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript

B2B and B2C Site Redesign for A1 Coffee

Completely redesigned the original Magento 2 site, 使用第三方主题和整个网站的数百个设计更改,使其具有独特的风格和功能.

Technologies: Magento, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Automated UI Tests for a Magento 2 Store

The site had a poorly implemented legacy extension for privilege cards, which was developed by the previous agency. The client couldn't afford a complete rebuild of this extension, 但是这个扩展的逻辑和UI的任何微小变化都会导致复杂的问题和错误. 因此,客户希望在任何实际部署之前提高测试的质量.

我设计并实现了一系列自动化的Selenium单元测试,这些测试使用BrowserStack来模拟真实的用户与Magento 2站点的交互. 我还创建了一个单页仪表板来跟踪测试的执行和结果. Organized as suites, their purpose was to check key user journeys: adding a product to cart, checkout, login and registration, and applying discount codes and privilege cards.

Data Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2

完全配置的数据迁移配置文件(表和字段映射以及完整性冲突解决方案),用于迁移所有以前客户的8GB大型数据库, orders, and product information to the new Magento 2 site.

Technologies: Magento 1, Magento 2, PHP, SQL, XML

B2B Site Maintenance and improvements for Promstal

通过在一个罕见的CMS平台内实现多语言网站结构,改进了B2B遗留网站, improving translations, and training the staff to manage the content on all pages.

Technologies: HostCMS, HTML, CSS, PHP, XML
2016 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree in Business Information Systemss

University of East Anglia - Norwich, England, UK

2004 - 2016

Secondary Education in Secondary Education

Rigas Kengaragas Secondary School - Riga, Latvia

2011 - 2015

Progmeistars Certificate in Computer Science

Progmeistars - Riga, Latvia


Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer



RequireJS, jQuery, Liquid


Lighthouse, PhpStorm, Sequel Pro, GitLab, Composer, Git, BrowserStack, MAMP, NGINX, Varnish


PHP, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Less, Java, R, Python, SQL, Pascal, C++, Batch, XML, Liquid Template, Sass


Magento 2, Windows, Magento, Magento 1, Shopify, WordPress, MacOS, Oracle, WooCommerce, Linux, OpenCart

Industry Expertise

Project Management


Knockout (Knockout.js), Selenium, PHPUnit


面向对象编程(OOP), MVC设计,重构,单元测试,自动化测试


Database Management Systems (DBMS), MySQL


Web开发,Warden,机器学习,信息检索,科学计算 & Engineering (CISE), Programming, Human Resources (HR), System Development, Systems Analysis, Logic Design, Debugging, Google Search Console, Sonassi, Optimization, HostCMS, Critical-path CSS, eCommerce, APIs, API Integration

Collaboration That Works

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